Innovative technologies for zero pollution, zero-waste biorefineries

Deadline: 03 May 2023 Objective: Alliances for Innovation aim to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity by boosting innovation through cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training, and the broader socio-economic environment, including research. Objectives of the action: These partnerships shall implement a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities, […]

Safe-and-sustainable-by-design bio-based platform chemicals, additives, materials or products as alternatives

Deadline: 26 December 2023 Expected outcome: Successful proposals will address expected impacts under the Destination ‘Clean Environment and zero pollution’ and in line with the European Green Deals zero pollution ambition, the bioeconomy strategy, the chemicals strategy for sustainability and the chemicals transition pathways. Projects are expected to contribute to: Enable circularity(-by-design) of final products, […]

Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI)’s circular systemic solutions

Deadline: 26 December 2023 Expected outcome: Successful proposals will support the delivery of solutions to implement the European Green Deal, the Eu circular economy action plan and the bioeconomy strategy. The topic will support the transition towards a sustainable, regenerative, inclusive and just circular economy at local and regional scale across regions of Europe, boosting […]

Novel, sustainable and circular bio-based textiles

Deadline: 26 September 2023 The expected impacts to be addressed by successful proposals include: Enhancing European industrial sustainability, competitiveness and resource independence; Accelerating regional, rural, local, urban and consumer-based transitions towards a sustainable, regenerative, inclusive, just and clean circular economy and bioeconomy as well as; The development of innovative and sustainable value-chains in the bio-based […]

Supporting the creation of an accessible and inclusive built environment

Deadline: 05 September 2023 Expected outcome: Improved accessibility of the built environment for persons with disabilities and older persons, following a ‘design for all’ approach. Improved comfort for larger shares of the population. Improved sense of inclusiveness[2] and social cohesion in larger shares of the population. Availability of a common evaluation and certification framework for […]

Alliances for Education and Enterprises

Deadline: 03 May 2023 Objective: Alliances for Innovation aim to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity by boosting innovation through cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training, and the broader socio-economic environment, including research. Objectives of the action: These partnerships shall implement a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities, […]


Arts and cultural awareness and expression in education and training

Deadline: 07 February 2024 Expected Outcome: Projects should contribute to all the following outcomes: Scope: Arts in education and developing cultural awareness and expression – one of the key competences for lifelong learning[1] have value in themselves. They are also used to develop creativity, innovation, critical and design thinking, communication, collaboration and intercultural skills and, […]

Energy Management Systems for flexibility services

Deadline: 16 January 2024 Expected Outcomes: Scope: Projects are expected to :

Next generation of renewable energy technologies

Deadline: 16 January 2024 Expected Outcomes : Scope: The proposal is expected to address high-risk/high return technology developments for game changing renewable energy technologies. It could cover catalyst development, dedicated renewable energy storage systems, integration of renewable energy technologies into a single energy generation system, heating & cooling systems, fuels production systems, solar driven chemical processes, […]