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Novel, sustainable and circular bio-based textiles
Deadline: 26 September 2023
The expected impacts to be addressed by successful proposals include:
Projects are expected to contribute to all the following outcomes:
The call addresses the design, demonstration and scale-up of production of sustainable and circular, bio-based textiles for one or more applications.
Supporting the creation of an accessible and inclusive built environment
Deadline: 05 September 2023
Expected outcome:
The focus will be on the different facilities of the built environment that are open to the public. Design concepts should make these facilities for persons with disabilities and fragile people, following and inclusive, ‘design for all’ approach.
Proposals are expected to address all the following:
Alliances for Education and Enterprises
Deadline: 03 May 2023
Alliances for Innovation aim to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity by boosting innovation through cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training, and the broader socio-economic environment, including research.
Objectives of the action:
These partnerships shall implement a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities, which should be adaptable to future knowledge developments across the EU.
To boost innovation, the focus will be on talent and skills development.
They intend to achieve one or more of the following aims:
Development of novel long-term electricity storage technologies
Deadline: 30 March 2023
The expected outcomes of the projects consist of:
Development of novel storage technologies, efficiency and sustainability and are adapted to specific needs of the energy system. The developed solutions should be highly performant in respect of expected future investment and operational costs and business cases in existing or emerging energy markets and go beyond the state-of-the art of existing storage solutions in respect of the following parameters:
Projects should address to the extent appropriate intelligent energy management systems, economic viability studies validated by industry and assessment of large-scale replication potential.
Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions to build resilience towards health risks caused by the effects of climate change
Deadline: 20 September 2023
Project results are expected to contribute to all the following expected outcomes:
That proposals should test and demonstrate solutions that address both the two aspects below:
Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism Technology specific – Solar PV
Deadline: 17 August 2023
The RENEWFM is an EU financing programme contributing to the clean energy transition and the European Green Deal objectives, including the goals and objectives of the Paris Agreement, 2030 climate and energy targets and long-term decarbonisation objective.
In this context, the RENEWFM allows EU countries to work more closely together in the take-up and promotion of renewables, improving the efficiency of investment, pooling resources and finding the right mix between public and private finance. It facilitates a more cost-effective roll-out of renewables across the EU, particularly in the areas that have a greater access to natural resources or are better suited for it in terms of geography.
Expected Impact:
The projects must contribute to the realisation of additional renewable energy capacity across the EU in a cost-effective way. The beneficiaries will be expected to report renewable energy production on an annual basis.