Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism Technology specific – Solar PV

Deadline: 17 August 2023 The RENEWFM is an EU financing programme contributing to the clean energy transition and the European Green Deal objectives, including the goals and objectives of the Paris Agreement, 2030 climate and energy targets and long-term decarbonisation objective. In this context, the RENEWFM allows EU countries to work  more closely together in […]

Alliances for Education and Enterprises

Deadline: 03 May 2023 Alliances for Innovation aim to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity by boosting innovation through cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training, and the broader socio-economic, including research. They aim to boost the provision of new skills and address skills mismatches by designing and creating new curricula for higher […]

Future-proofing historical buildings for the clean energy transition

Deadline: 20 April 2023 Projects results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Scope: Around a quarter of the existing building stock in Europe was built prior to the middle of the last century. A significant number of these have a poor energy performance and are costly to renovate. Many recently […]

Critical    technologies    for     the    offshore    wind    farm     of    the    Future

Deadline: 30 March 2023Project results are expected to contribute to all the following outcomes: Scope:The projects should exploit improved understanding of the issues related to materials in the upscaling of wind energy turbines/systems;The transition of the energy system will rely on reducing the overall energy demand and making the energy supply side climate neutral, in current […]

Innovative technologies for sustainable and decarbonised extraction (RIA)

Deadline: 20 April 2023 A secure supply of sustainable raw materials is crucial for the green and digital transition. Project outcomes will enable achieving the expected impacts of the destination by increasing access to primary raw materials, in particular critical raw materials for EU industrial value chains and strategic sectors. Projects are expected to contribute to […]

New technologies and solutions for reducing the environmental and climate footprints of RIs

Deadline: 09 March 2023 Project results are expected to contribute to all the following expected outcomes: The aim of this topic is to deliver innovative technologies and solutions which reduce the environmental and climate footprint of RIs through the full life cycle of research infrastructures.Proposals should address the following aspects, as relevant:

Capacity building in the field of sport

Deadline: 22 March 2023 Capacity building projects are international cooperation projects that aim to support sport activities and policies in third countries not associated to the Programme as a way to promote values as well as an educational tool to promote the personal and social development of individuals and build more cohesive communities. The general objectives are […]

Partnerships for innovation- Forward-looking projects – Digital education (cross-sectoral)

Deadline: 15 March 2023 Following the recent pandemic, the need for innovation in our education and training systems, as well as youth has never been so great. Innovation in teaching and learning at individual as well as institutional level is crucial. This action will aim to foster innovation, creativity and participation, as well as social entrepreneurship in different fields […]


More sustainable buildings with reduced embodied energy / carbon, high life-cycle performance and reduced life-cycle costs Deadline: 24 January 2023 Projects results are expected to contribute to the following expected  outcomes: -Increased and more traceable reduction of the GHG emissions of buildings in design, construction, renovation, operation and end of life. -Faster market uptake of […]


Deadline: 23 November 2022 Projects are expected to contribute to the outcomes which consist of: 1-Integrated Nature-based solutions (NBS) into overall concepts for the protection of infrastructures and existing integrated risk management plans for cities and urban areas with a view of complementing existing methods for protection and resilience. 2-Novel construction materials and solutions resulting […]